For whoever may have bumped into the same problem as Mr. Walker, please read the
release notes on sourceforge (kudos Matthew for the step-by-step bug-tracking -
I would've been unable to solve this for a long time without him).

This is my last message on this topic on the mailing list - I don't want to spam
you, but this was a serious issue if you didn't know where to look.

Thanks for your patience! :-)


> Matthew Walker wrote:
> > I downloaded the current version to test, and I don't know how you call
> > it stable enough to use. I continually get permission denied errors
> > accessing the DB. Some of them go away if I refresh, others don't. And
> > yes, the user has full permissions to the relevant DB.
> >
> > Matthew Walker
> > Ecommerce Project Manager
> > Mountain Top Herbs
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bogdan Stancescu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 8:14 PM
> > Subject: [PHP] Outreaching (announcement)
> >
> > Hi all!
> >
> > As posted some time ago, the company I'm working for developed a GPL
> > system
> > for project development (basically keeping in touch with the customers
> > while
> > developing a project). I think this project may be of some interest for
> > some
> > of you (well, hopefully, for may of you), so here's the manifesto:
> > ______________
> >
> > OPT (Outreach Project Tool) is a PHP general-purpose virtual commonplace
> > for
> > customers and developers to collaborate in developing projects. The
> > system
> > provides documents archive, e-mail archive, request tracker, task
> > management,
> > knowledge base, news administration, newsletter support and a lot of
> > other
> > features (some project-based, some system-based).
> > ______________
> >
> > Hope this may help some of you with your customers! The current version
> > is
> > 0.9 (beta - the first public release), but it's stable and comes with a
> > nice
> > setup interface (yes, I have been thinking of you guys). This release
> > has
> > been tested for more than eight months in a production environment, with
> > real
> > customers.
> >
> > So, the URL is - and you know
> > my
> > e-mail for complaints :-)
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > Bogdan

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