Hi Steve,

Thanks. I have tried this (the line was not there), but still I have my
original problem. I am now suspecting it is more than a PHP problem, as I
have the same problem with Zope (where I have PHP installed :) but I don't
think the MySQL connector is reliant on it....!), namely:

MySQL said:

MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (111)

So I think it's something wrong with the MySQL somewhere... despite the fact
that MySQL is running okay! I have Db Tools querying the Db okay from
outside the machine!!

Anyway, thanks for the tip.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Werby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 30 January 2002 22:41
> To: Greg Conway; Php-General
> Subject: Re: [PHP] MySQL-PHP-RAQ4 dilemma!
> "Greg Conway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to add MySQL to my RaQ4. It came
> > by default with PHP4 but no MySQL.
> I'd have to check a clean RaQ4 to be sure, but I thought MySQL
> was installed
> by default, but it was setup as a loadable module in PHP and was commented
> out by default.  Please check for the file mysql.so on your
> server.  If it's
> there, you're PHP has MySQL support compiled, it just needs to be
> turned on.
> Try checking for /usr/lib/apache/php/mysql.so or in case it's in
> a different
> location try "locate mysql.so".  If you find it, try this.
> 1. Edit /etc/httpd/php.ini and add the following at the bottom:
> extension=mysql.so
> If it's there, but has a ";" in front, remove the ";" as that's a comment
> character.
> 2. Restart Apache.
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart
> --
> Steve Werby
> President, Befriend Internet Services LLC
> http://www.befriend.com/

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