Are you accessing this script via SSL?  I experienced a similar problem
where users would intermittently receive page not found error message with
IE while browsing the site via https.  The following FAQ fixed the problem.

If you are not using SSL this will have nothing to do with your problem,
though looking at your server config file for IE specific conditions might

-Rob Z.


When I connect via HTTPS to an Apache+mod_ssl+OpenSSL server with Microsoft
Internet Explorer (MSIE) I get various I/O errors. What is the reason?
The first reason is that the SSL implementation in some MSIE versions has
some subtle bugs related to the HTTP keep-alive facility and the SSL close
notify alerts on socket connection close. Additionally the interaction
between SSL and HTTP/1.1 features are problematic with some MSIE versions,
too. You've to work-around these problems by forcing Apache+mod_ssl+OpenSSL
to not use HTTP/1.1, keep-alive connections or sending the SSL close notify
messages to MSIE clients. This can be done by using the following directive
in your SSL-aware virtual host section:

    SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \
             nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
             downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
Additionally it is known some MSIE versions have also problems with
particular ciphers. Unfortunately one cannot workaround these bugs only for
those MSIE particular clients, because the ciphers are already used in the
SSL handshake phase. So a MSIE-specific SetEnvIf doesn't work to solve these
problems. Instead one has to do more drastic adjustments to the global
parameters. But before you decide to do this, make sure your clients really
have problems. If not, do not do this, because it affects all(!) your
clients, i.e., also your non-MSIE clients.
The next problem is that 56bit export versions of MSIE 5.x browsers have a
broken SSLv3 implementation which badly interacts with OpenSSL versions
greater than 0.9.4. You can either accept this and force your clients to
upgrade their browsers, or you downgrade to OpenSSL 0.9.4 (hmmm), or you can
decide to workaround it by accepting the drawback that your workaround will
horribly affect also other browsers:

    SSLProtocol all -SSLv3
This completely disables the SSLv3 protocol and lets those browsers work.
But usually this is an even less acceptable workaround. A more reasonable
workaround is to address the problem more closely and disable only the
ciphers which cause trouble.
This also lets the broken MSIE versions work, but only removes the newer
56bit TLS ciphers.
Another problem with MSIE 5.x clients is that they refuse to connect to URLs
of the form (IP-addresses are used instead of the
hostname), if the server is using the Server Gated Cryptography (SGC)
facility. This can only be avoided by using the fully qualified domain name
(FQDN) of the website in hyperlinks instead, because MSIE 5.x has an error
in the way it handles the SGC negotiation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 2:33 AM
To: PHP-General
Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Page Not Found - on IE

Hash: SHA1

* and then Bryan Gintz blurted....
> It was was just the script:
> <form name=junk action=script.php method=POST>
> The script was there, and it would work if you refreshed it a bunch, but
> then it would give page could not display error ??

Can you post the script Bryan? I can't promise to help but I'm intrigued
for sure.

- --

Nick Wilson

Tel:    +45 3325 0688
Fax:    +45 3325 0677

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


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