Peter J. Schoenster wrote:

>>>>to all instances and sessions. It is for example very useful to
>>>>track different users at the same time, or to send messages from
>>>>one session to another, or the likes.
> Well it started from the above where some guy said this magic 
> could track users. I assumed the cookies and if it's tracking users 
> it uses a session id in the url or a cookie, I know of no other way 
> and would really appreciate the education.
>>Tom Rogers wrote:
>>- it is data specific to the total application itself.
> But how does it carry from one click to the next?

I don't believe the original poster you quote really had/has
a firm grasp on what it actually does.

The tried and true example is a hit counter.  No matter who hits a page,
if that page increases an application variable called "counter" for 
example, the counter keeps going up.

You hit it and it has a value of 1.
Then I hit the page and it has a value of 2.
The bob hits it and it has a value of 3.

And so on.

There's no messaging from one session to another, though I don't doubt
you could architect some code to operate like that.  It's like a 
'session' state that's not specific to any one user - a 'commons' area,
if you like.

Does that help?

Also, a second draft of this info, along with a bit of code example in 
PHP, is in a PDF at

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