On Sat, 2002-02-16 at 05:55, Andy wrote:
> Hi there,
> I just installed my first linux box and I have problems on configuring php
> for my needs.
> It does not matter what I do to php.ini, nothing is changing. And yes, I did
> restart apache. I thought php4.1.1
> comes with gd2.0 build in, like on windows distrib. but it does not. I

Well, we don't distribute *nix binaries, so nothing comes 'built in' per
se--you have to select which extensions to build at configure time. The 
GD extension source is included, though.

> compiled php4.1.1 with mysql support and

But not with GD support, I take it?

shanna% ./configure --help | grep gd
  --with-gdbm[=DIR]       Include GDBM support
  --with-gd[=DIR]         Include GD support (DIR is GD's install dir).
  --enable-gd-native-ttf    GD: Enable TrueType string function.

Granted, this should be in the docs.


> thought thats it. But no! There is no gd version. So I did compile the one
> from boutel.com and put it into the propper dir changed php.ini but still
> the same!
> Thanx for any help
> Cheers Andy
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