Perfect!  Thank you, my mind was out in left field somewhere.

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, DL Neil wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> > In my constant effort to improve my perl conversion project, I have a
> > question regarding file reading.  I am taking two files and combining
> > them in an array and then writing out a new file.  Is there a way to:
> > a)strip out the first line of the second file
> > b)test for conditions based on what is on the next line on the file
> > 
> > An example, I start the array on file one, then mid-way I start another
> > array on the second file (this array within in the first).  I need to
> > check the next line in the file for a condition to exist.
> > 
> > I have tried this, but run into the pointer resetting on each pass.
> > 
> > Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
> Use explicitly array pointers instead of the 'built-in' ones, then:
> your need to look-ahead becomes array[$ptr + 1] 
> avoiding the first record becomes for ( $i=1; $i<$last; $i ++ ) //instead of $i=0
> Does that cover things?
> =dn


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