Jeff D. Hamann wrote:
> I'm currently working on a web based application (in php) and saw the power
> of being able edit fields in the pdf document. I can see how to build the
> pdf file by hand, but I have a few dozen forms (multiple pages of course)
> that I wish I could scan in and have a rough pdf file to start working with.
> I've been generating html code using php, and would like to directly
> generate pdf files as they look much better. Is there software "out there"
> that I can import an html file into, or excel, or word and spit out the pdf
> code, or something usable?

Seems a couple other answers pointed you to Adobe, but if you need to 
run this under Unix, you're kinda outta luck.  Adobe don't make current 
tools for Unix (as far as I can tell).

If you don't mind approximations, you might look at htmldoc (google 
search for HMTLDOC - I forget the address).  It'll take HTML files you 
generate and make PDFs from them.  Not bad for doing reports, etc.

txt2pdf is another one which isn't too bad, but I've not used much lately.

When you say 'start working with', what do you mean?  You want to 
further modify the PDF?  If so, with what tools?  Generally any produced 
PDF file is going to be 'done' - you won't be able to edit it 
programmatically.  PDFLIB has a PDI component which will let you modify 
preexisting PDFs, but it's not a cure all, and it costs about $1000.

If you need to discuss this further, shoot me an AIM tomorrow (mgkimsal) 
or another email with more specifics at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good luck...

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