An XML DTD would not work here; XML describes content, HTML describes

You might consider translating to PDF via Adobe Acrobat.  Acrobat supports
hyperlinks and PDF is a standard plugin for the IE and NN

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Old [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 3:03 PM
Subject: [PHP] Storing Newsletter in Database

Hello all,

I have a challenge that has been put on me.  I have built a website for my
church and we are now wanting to put our newsletter online.  It is currently
being done in Microsoft Publisher.

I would like to take the MS Publisher file and extract the data and insert
it into a database (PostgreSQL) and then display it via PHP.  Catch is, the
data is not that consistent.

The only thing I can think of is to have MS Publisher save it as HTML, and
then go through and parse everything and get it put in the database.  I know
that would still involve some kind of consistency with the data.  If there
was a way for me to apply an XML DTD to the HTML, that would automate the
process more.

On the other hand, I could just have the entire newsletter HTML dumped in
the database and then have it displayed like that (modifying the HTML of
course).  But that defeats the entire purpose of "automating" data.

Any ideas on how this can be done, even if I don't have consistency in the

Any help is appreciated,

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