On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Michael Kimsal wrote:

> > on IE on pc a "this page cannot be displayed" error (with possible
> > reasons like your browser needs to be set to accept SSL2 and SSL3 [it is
> > by the way]) is generated half of the time. the other half it works.
> We've worked with this several times - it's an issue with IE under 
> Windows.  The claim is that it only affect 'high security' (SGP or 
> something) but my own experience is that it's always affected.  IE
> just won't work right with SSL if the web server isn't IIS.  You pretty 
> much have no choice but to live with it or move to IIS as a server platform.

Then maybe it's not a bug in MSIE, but a feaure included to force people
to move to IIS+Win2k, just because most people use MSIE, and don't know
about other browsers. That's typical from M$ :(

Sorry for the semi-off-topic.


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