You can convert the time into seconds using mktime(), subtract one from 
the other, and then reformat it using gmstrftime:

//int mktime ( int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int 
year [, int is_dst])
//string gmstrftime ( string format [, int timestamp])
        $time1 = mktime (0,0,0,12,32,1997);
        $time2 = mktime (0,0,0,12,31,1995);
        $dif = $time1 - $time2;
        $new_time = gmstrftime("%b %d %Y", $dif);
        echo "$time1<br>";
        echo "$time2<br>";
        echo "$dif<br>";        
        echo "$new_time<br>";
The output looks like this:
        Jan 03 1972

Of course you will have to get the date out of the current format you 
have it, but that shouldn't be too hard using explode() and implode();

Steven J. Walker
Walker Effects

On Tuesday, February 19, 2002, at 06:51  PM, Uma Shankari T. wrote:

>  Hello,
>      How can i find out the difference between two dates.
> I am having the date like this
> $str="10-01-2001";
> $str1="01-02-2002";
> I need to find out the difference between the date,month and year.
> If anyone know the solution for this problem plz tell me
> -Uma
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