Apache server with PHP module
Apache user is nobody:nobody
Virtual user is user1:user1

in VirtualHost we have
<VirtualHost ip.add.re.ss>
    DocumentRoot /www/user1
    <Directory "/www/user1">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir /www/user1/tmp
    php_admin_value open_base_dir /www/user1

All files in /www/user1 including the user1 direcrot are owned by user1:user1

Having problems with
1) file uploads into tmp...  nobody not having permission to move them into the
final location
2) symlinking directories within the /www/user1 tree
        eg.     unlink("/www/user1/mylink");
        Fails with permission denied to Unlink, or Link (if the link is manually

Removed the safe mode restrictions on this particular virtual host to try and
accomodate some of these tasks, but to no avail.  drawing a blank now from
looking at it so long.

Ideas or suggestions appreciated.


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