This example generates previous/next links but could be modified to make
links to page 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

This code is not tested what so ever, but it should look something like


 $rows_to_show = 10;

 $total_rows = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select name, post from guestbook
order by id desc", $db));
 $result = mysql_query("select name, post from guestbook order by id desc
LIMIT $offset, $rows_to_show", $db);
 while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    echo "<TR><TD>$myrow[0]</TD></TR>\n";
    echo "<TR><TD>$myrow[1]</TD></TR>\n";

 if ($offset > 0)
   echo "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=" . ($offset - $rows_to_show) .

 if ($offset < $total_rows)
   echo "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=" . ($offset + $rows_to_show) .

Call the page with myscript.php?offset=0

Good luck

> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 8:40 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Guestbook question
> I have a really simple guestbook that allows someone to post 
> to the book, 
> then it displays all the entries.  Well, there are too many 
> entries now for 
> just one page and it looks kinda wacky, so I wanted to do 
> something where it 
> only displays 10 entries per page, then there are links for 
> pages say 11-20, 
> 21-30, etc.   I have no idea how to do this - I only know how 
> to limit the 
> number of entries per page.  So, the script that displays all 
> the entries 
> looks something like this:
> $counter = 0;
> $result = mysql_query("select name, post from guestbook order 
> by id desc", 
> $db);
> while (($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result)) && ($counter < 10)) {
>    echo "<TR><TD>$myrow[0]</TD></TR>\n";
>    echo "<TR><TD>$myrow[1]</TD></TR>\n";
>    ++$counter;
> }
> Well, that shows only the latest 10 alright, but what if I 
> wanted to show 
> entries 11-20?  I figure I could get the number of posts through 
> mysql_num_rows, I just can't piece it all together.  Any 
> suggestions would be 
> really helpful.
> -- 
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