tested the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS prior to sending, set just fine.  changed the next
page to php and tested for the session var...  nothing.

[in login.php]
# database check in here
        $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["UserID_session"]=$txtUserID; #from form field for user
        $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["UserNum_session"]=$databaseresult; # from database result
for user number
        header("Location: successlogin.php"); # or .htm - changed this to test if var
was being passed
        header("Location: wrongpassword.htm");

[in successlogin.php]
echo $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["SellerID_session"];

if I check session_id() - it is the same in both pages.  Variables just aren't
getting stored/retrieved.


as an aside, how do you destroy/start a new session with new session id?  or do
you just destroy the variables then use the same session id for the new session?


>Did you test and make sure the variable is set?
>       session_start();
>       $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["username"]=$formUserName;
>       echo $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["username"]
>       header("Location: displaypage.htm");
>Also, for grins ang giggles, make the middle page in the chain a HP, start
>the session and test for the variable.  If it does not work then the problem
>is not the middle page being html.

>Subject: [PHP] Sessions and switching between php and htm documents
>       form submits information
>       session_start();
>       $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["username"]=$formUserName;
>       header("Location: displaypage.htm");
>       show some static stuff
>       links to formpage.htm
>       form submits information to form.php
>       session_start();
>       echo $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["username"];  <-  has no value

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