Have a same problem.
Moved my mime stuff just for testing to other server and
not working at all.
working version www.toolmecindustries.com/submform.php
not workin version at http://streetrave.tartu.ee/toolmec/submform.php

what to do - good question......

"Steven Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I've just moved my website to a new server and sendmail is not working
> the same. My email messages (sent via mail()) are coming out blank or
> with mime attachments. To verify my sanity, I tested this same script on
> the old server and it came through fine. The new server seems to like
> only plain text emails with no headers.
> Does mime support have to be enabled for sendmail?
> Steven J. Walker
> Walker Effects
> www.walkereffects.com

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