>     Under PHP3 I was able to do the following within an .htaccess file:
> php3_magic_quotes_runtime off
> php3_magic_quotes_gpc on
>     How do I achieve the same thing under PHP4?
> --
> H | "Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." - John Gardner
>   +--------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   .   303.442.6410 x130
>   Director of Internet Operations / SysAdmin    .     800.441.3873 x130
>   Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.            .     3550 Arapahoe Ave, #6
> ..... .  .    .       Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.

>From the manual, Chapter 3. Configuration

When using PHP as an Apache module, you can also change the configuration 
settings using directives in Apache configuration files and .htaccess 
files (You will need "AllowOverride Options" or "AllowOverride All" 

With PHP 3.0, there are Apache directives that correspond to each 
configuration setting in the php3.ini name, except the name is prefixed 
by "php3_".

With PHP 4.0, there are several Apache directives that allow you to 
change the PHP configuration from within the Apache configuration file 

php_value name value
This sets the value of the specified variable.

php_flag name on|off
This is used to set a Boolean configuration option.

php_admin_value name value
This sets the value of the specified variable. "Admin" configuration 
settings can only be set from within the main Apache configuration files, 
and not from .htaccess files.

php_admin_flag name on|off
This is used to set a Boolean configuration option.

David Robley
Temporary Kiwi!

Quod subigo farinam

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