if I write directly "localhost/myphp/resmigoster.php" on his browser
it response
Warning: Undefined index: dir in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\kocak\resimgoster.php on
line 1

Warning: Undefined index: res in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\kocak\resimgoster.php on
line 3

if I write directly "localhost/myphp/resmigoster.php?dir=main&res=mine"
than the script works like mine
but I wonder to disable "Warning: Undefined index: dir in
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\kocak\resimgoster.php on line 1"
response if someone directly enter "localhost/myphp/resmigoster.php" I want
to say him that "Access Denied" Or something like that

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