heheh....you forgot something :)

echo "blah" is actually "blah\n"

# echo -n "blah" |md5sum
6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9  stdin


Mikhail Avrekh wrote:

>Don't know if this is a question of (mis)configuration; I'm posting this
>just in case someone had run into this before:
>PHP's native md5() appears to return a different value from Linux's md5sum
>[mavrekh ~]$ echo "blah" | md5sum
>0d599f0ec05c3bda8c3b8a68c32a1b47  -
>[mavrekh ~]$ php testmd5.php
>X-Powered-By: PHP/4.0.3pl1
>Content-type: text/html
>[mavrekh ~]$ cat testmd5.php
>I've tried it without the quotes too, or with single quotes. I wonder if
>this is something that can be configured at compile time ?
>I'm using PHP/4.0.3pl1 RedHat7.1
>Thanks !

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