You ablility to explain php concepts in simple langauge is exactly why I
signed up for this list! 

I will be deeply greatful for any other tutorials like this one on
passing imputs.

Jim Long

>Erik Price wrote:

> John,
> It seems that you're using two different conventions here.  This is 
> inconsistent, and confusing to me (at least, and possibly others trying 
> to help you).  Let me show you what I am talking about:

> Please don't be insulted if I make an assumption about what you know 
> about the use of variables within scripts, I'm going to do my best to 
> explain this and I can't know how much you know or don't.  Here's how it 
> works:

> On a script, you have access to any variable that you create within that 
> script.  Thus, if you create a variable named "$inp", you can then echo 
> that variable or manipulate it in any way.  Like this:
> $inp = "blue";   // this assigns the string "blue" to the $inp variable
> echo $inp;   // this echoes "blue"
> $outp = "green";  // this assigns "green" (a string) to the $outp 
> variable
> $outp . $inp;   // this combines ("concatenates") the two variables 
> together
>                  // and results in the string "greenblue"
> Okay, you probably already know all of that.  But my point is that these 
> variables are accessible to this particular script.  NOT TO OTHER 
> SCRIPTS.  If you need a variable to be accessible to another script, you 
> must "pass" the variable along.  There are a few ways to do this:
> etc..etc..etc..

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