On Thursday, March 14, 2002, at 09:33  AM, Scott St. John wrote:

> Yes, I have tried that.  To view them on the next page I would call
> them as $choice[0];$choice[1];, etc, but only the first item in the list
> is available.

Hm... have you tried using a loop to get their values, rather than using 
the numeric indexes?  Like this:

foreach ($choice as $array_element) {
   echo $array_element;

This will go through the entire array, regardless of numeric index, and 
echo the value of each element in the array.  Try this, if it doesn't 
work then perhaps only one value is being passed to the receiving script.

Have you made sure your listbox features the attribute


and have you made sure to select more than one item in the listbox by 
holding down either Alt (PC) or Cmd (Mac) as you make your selections.  
If you're only selecting ONE item, then only one item will be passed to 
the receiving script.

Use the above techniques to make sure that you are actually passing more 
than one value.



Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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