I have a html report and am looking into using phplib to generate a pdf 
instead.  I have got it installed and started experimenting with it but 
ether it is extremely convoluted or I am missing something.  How would I 
create a simple list report (the type you would do in a table).  It seems 
all I can to is specify X/Y coordinates and print text.  Don't know how 
many pages the report will be for a start.


* Ben Edwards                              +44 (0)117 9400 636 *
* Critical Site Builder    http://www.criticaldistribution.com *
* online collaborative web authoring content management system *
* i-Contact Progressive Video      http://www.videonetwork.org *
* Smashing the Corporate image       http://www.subvertise.org *
* Bristol Indymedia               http://bristol.indymedia.org *
* Bristol's radical news             http://www.bristle.org.uk *
* PGP : F0CA 42B8 D56F 28AD 169B  49F3 3056 C6DB 8538 EEF8     *

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