At 20.03.2002  12:17, you wrote:
> > I have stored several selects in a mysql-db,
> > it is possible to parse the answer, but I couldnīt remember how.
> > f.e. > the answer on a query is:
> > select * from somewhere where foo='$foo' and foofoo='$foofoo'
> > this is a string, what is the method to make the $foo-vars
> > "real" vars?
>i would say, you can either do
>      $val = $$whatYouGotFromTheDB;
>      eval ( "\$val=".$whatYouGotFromTheDB );
>where $whatYouGotFromTheDB = '$foo';
>should work either way, good luck

Thanks for the quick answer, I meant eval().


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