On Wednesday 20 Mar 2002 18:11, Vlad Kulchitski wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for repeating myself, but am lost and still can't find a solution
> to the following problem, I need to specify a background image for <td>
> like the code below:
> <tr>
>           <td background="images/bottomcell_bg.gif"></td>
> </tr>
> This code works EVERYWHERE (in all browsers) but Netscape Navigator 4.xx
> versions.

Yes, Netscape 4.x doesn't do table backgrounds according to HTML spec. There 
is no solution for it, and you'll have to work your way around it, either by 
changing the design for your page, or by giving an alternative layout which 
is displayed when netscape users pay a visit.

The second way I mentioned is really surprisingly easy using CSS.


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