Can you show the contents of the variable $email ?


On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Philip J. Newman wrote:

> Below is some code that I have used to send an email Via mail. The message
> sends with the correct data, HOWEVER my mail server don't like the header
> and sends the email back to admin.
> ROUTER: Failure delivering mail message to recipient: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [ROUTER: Unexpected SMTP Server '' [250] received: 550 Syntax
> error in 'From' header: missing or malformed local part (expected word or
> "<"): failing address is: Philip J. Newman]
> Can anyone help with this
>  $msg = "Thanks, $name.  Your entry had been added, Good Luck.";
>  $msg .= "Email: $email.\n";
>  $msg .= "Text: $address, $suburb.\n";
>  $msg .= "Answer: $answer";
>  $mailheaders = "From: Philip J. Newman\n";
>  $mailheaders .= "Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\n\n";
>  mail("$email", "[Newman] Conformation of entry. ", $msg, $mailheaders);

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