OK, hope you don't mind I follow up a question, and it will be up to you to answer or 
not, this is very general and important to me.

My whole project main template is FILE.PHP, the content is changed based on the values 
sent via QUERY_STRING. SO:

Below is the approximate outline: (basically the content is loaded from smaller 
scripts, but main does language switching, loading menu in appropriate language and so 


So my question is, is it better to use separate .PHP file for every part of the page 
and load template design requirements (like 'header' and 'footer') via REQUIRE() so 
there's no conflict with sessions for instance? Because the code is already BIG:


So anyway, for who are experienced the question goes, is it better to use separate 
file for every script? Or do like I do use one main and then include('content'php') 
based on the value passed in the string.

With my current session problem I don't thnk I can overcome the problem with current 
design structure, I need to use different file for ADMIN because the template is 
already formed before it included the file with the script that tries to create a 

Anyway, this certainly makes it clearer - thank you guys.

-----Original Message-----
From: Miguel Cruz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 26 березня 2002 р. 20:41
To: Vlad Kulchitski
Subject: Re: [PHP] 

On Tue, 26 Mar 2002, Vlad Kulchitski wrote:
> Hi can anyone help me, I am getting this error when I try
> to start session:
> Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output
> started at /var/www/kulchitski/btl/btl.php:2) in
> /var/www/kulchitski/btl/_talkroom_edit.php on line 39
> I didn't start session before, in fact I never use session here
> except this step. Can anyone suggest anything?

1) Read the list and the archive. This comes up at least once per day, 
including on days when I know I saw you post to the list.

2) It means that you generated output prior to a session_register or 
session_start call. Make sure you don't print anything and don't have any 
space outside of <?php tags prior to those calls.

3) Read the list and the archive. This comes up at least once per day,    
including on days when I know I saw you post to the list.

4) Read the list and the archive. This comes up at least once per day,    
including on days when I know I saw you post to the list.


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