As long as preventing users to download a picture you display, my .02Eu
opinion is that is is a fruitless task. A determined user will _always_
find a way to store the picture you send him. After all, you do send
data to him, therefore the data can be manipulated at will:-)

As far as some code to do it, see attached souce.
In the attached source, modify directories as needed.
Invoke with : php -q gif2function.php > test.php
Then point your browser to test.php.

warning: Select a dir with few images. If yopu want to know what happens
when you overdo it, goto
<URL:> to see what happened
to me!

tested only on linux.

Kevin Stone wrote:
> Huh.. hmm.. maybe this is possible after all.  I'll have to test that
> out when I get home.  If it works it could sure save me a headache or
> two.
> By the way most counters/trackers that I've seen are just simple
> javascripts which gather the browser information then request a tiny
> image from the server with the information in the URL string.  This all
> goes into the server's standard log file.  Then to count the hit the
> server just reads the log file and parses out the values in the URL
> string.  But I guess it's the same basic principle.
> -Kevin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin French [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 5:24 PM
> To: php
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Loading Images
> Ummmm, is that correct?
> I thought (although never tried) that you could reference an image as
> <IMG SRC="image.php?id=3"> or simular, in which case the headers and
> everything else CAN be sent in the image tag, which is embeded in a HTML
> page -- isn't that how they do counters etc etc??
> At the moment, I'm just storing my images in my file system, and storing
> the
> URLs in my database (as discussed by someone else in this thread), which
> works fine, as long as nobody deletes the image without deleting the URL
> from the DB.
> On the topic of preventing users from saving images, the attempts are
> futile, because they can also just look at your source to DL the image
> from
> it's URL.
> One thing I have seen work instead of disabling right-click is to have a
> clear layer (DIV) above the whole page, which (for me) prevents me from
> selecting text + images from below.  Although I don't know how reliable
> this
> is.
> Justin French
> ---------------------
> ---------------------
> on 27/03/02 10:16 AM, Kevin Stone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > It is quite easy to store images in a database and display them on the
> > screen.  You can find tutorials about this online (sorry I don't have
> > any direct links).  There are also numerous FREE scripts pre-written
> > that you can integrate into your site, or use to learn how to do this
> > yourself.
> >
> > There is a catch however... and that is you will not be able to
> display
> > anything else along with those images because special content headers
> > must be sent to let the browser know what kind of data it's receiving.
> > Is it a JPEG, GIF or PNG?  If the headers are not sent, or the wrong
> > headers are sent, the image will either not display or the user will
> see
> > endless rows of junk text spewed onto the screen (the binary data in
> > ASCII form!!).
> >
> > So this method will only work if you want to display the images in a
> > frame, one at a time, and by them selves.  You won't be able to
> > intermingle HTML so forget about doing dynamic menus with this method.
> >
> > The way these dynamic sites work is by storing the paths to each image
> > in the database rather than the images themselves... so you're back to
> > the file system solution.
> >
> > Anyway I hope this helps answer some of the questions you were having
> > about this method.  :)
> >
> > -Kevin
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Omland Christopher m [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 2:45 PM
> > Subject: Re: [PHP] Loading Images
> >
> > I wasn't so much concearned about security of users grabbin pics. I am
> > more trying to learn how these people load there menus dynamically and
> > pics dynamically. Do you have any links to pages or code that describe
> > how
> > to make a link in the db to pics on my filesystem?
> > Thanks.
> > -Chris
> >
> > On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >> At 26.03.2002  12:47, you wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I don't have any code for this, but I'm hoping someone can point me
> > in the
> >>> right direction. I want to load images or navigation menus
> > dynamically. Is
> >>> it possible to build a database of images and then use php to
> display
> >>> them? Or something along these lines. I know this must be possible,
> >>> becuase I see sites that do something like this, and I cant seem to
> > right
> >>> click the image and save it. Does this make any sense?
> >>> Thanks.
> >>> -Chris
> >> Storing images in a db is not a good idea. instead store them
> >> in your filesystem an have a reference to them in your db.
> >> Then you can make everything ;-)
> >>
> >> Even there´s no real security for grabbing pics. If your client can
> > see them,
> >> they are on his/her machine. To prevent the right-click, you have to
> > use
> >> JavaScript, but that only works, if the user has it switched on.
> >> A little more secure is putting the pics in flash-movies. But I think
> > there are
> >> already programs out, which allow to extract pictures and
> componenets.
> >> HTH Oliver
> >>


Modified by [EMAIL PROTECTED], June 200

May 10, 2000.

Written and tested on PHP 4.0 RC1 (mod_php)
Linux/Apache. Tried on PHP 3.0.14 Win2000/IIS
5.0 for a minute or two, it worked.

This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

Copyright (c)2000 Pierre Marceau. You may  freely  use
and  redistribute  under the  terms of the  GNU General Public
      gif2function -

This script converts gif files into PHP functions.
See example.php3. Use small gif files 2 or 3 kb
max. I use it for one 800 byte (0.8KB) background image

//$fname[1]['name'] = '/tmp/mozilla/*.gif';
//$fname[1]['ext']  = 'gif';
//$fname[2]['name'] = '/tmp/mozilla/*.png';
//$fname[2]['ext']  = 'png';
//$fname[3]['name'] = '/tmp/mozilla/*.jpg';
//$fname[3]['ext']  = 'jpg';
$fname[1]['name'] = '../img/*.gif';
$fname[1]['ext']  = 'gif';
$fname[2]['name'] = '../img/*.png';
$fname[2]['ext']  = 'png';
$fname[3]['name'] = '../img/*.jpg';
$fname[3]['ext']  = 'jpg';

$image_registry = array();

echo '<?php'."\n";

while (list($fk,$fv)=each($fname)) {
  $far = array();
  $tstr = "find ".dirname($fv['name'])." -name '".basename($fv['name'])."' -print";
  $tfp = popen($tstr,"r");
  while (!feof($tfp)) {
    $t = explode("\n",fgets($tfp,40960)); $t[0] = trim($t[0]);
    if (strlen($t[0]) != 0 ) $far[] = $t[0];
  while (list($k,$v)=each($far)) {
    $fsize    = filesize($v);
    if ($fsize>0) {
      $new_func  = "\n";
      $new_name  = 'image_'.str_replace('=','_',base64_encode($v));
      $image_registry[$v] = $new_name.'();';
      $content  = $fv['ext'];
      $fd       = fopen($v,"r");
      $contents = fread($fd,$fsize);
      $b64 = base64_encode($contents);
      $new_func .= "  function $new_name() {\n";
      $new_func .= "    header(\"Content-type: image/${content}\");\n";
      $new_func .= "    header(\"Content-length: ${fsize}\");\n";
      $new_func .= "    echo base64_decode(\n    '";
      $new_func .=      chunk_split($b64,905,"'.\n    '");
      $new_func  = ereg_replace("'.\n    '$","');\n  }",$new_func);
      $new_func .= "\n";
      echo $new_func;

echo "\n";

echo '$image_registry=array();'."\n";
while (list($k,$v)=each($image_registry)) echo 

echo 'if (!(isset($img))) {'."\n";

echo 'echo "<html><body><table border=1>";'."\n";
echo 'reset($image_registry);'."\n";
echo 'while (list($k,$v)=each($image_registry)) '."\n";
echo '  echo "<tr><td>$k</td><td><img 
src=\"".$PHP_SELF."?img=".base64_encode($k)."\"></tr>\n"; '."\n";
echo 'echo "</table></body></html>";'."\n";
echo "} else { \n";
echo '  $f = $image_registry[base64_decode($img)]; '."\n";
echo '  eval($f); '."\n";
echo "} \n";

echo '?>'."\n";


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