oh dam....
and American that can actually speak some Traditional Afrikaans that makes
absolutely no sense.
listen check the south african afrikaans gramma website before trying to
message me with shit like that

"Bvr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Yeah, pretty obvious .. you must have figured that from the .NL
> extension to my e-mail address..
> Lemme guess, .ZA that's Japan nie waar nie ??
> You are obviously not an expert so don't make us filthen this list with
> (anti-)SPAM messages and stupid off-topic definitions.
> bvr.
> Vins wrote:
>  >Lets define that....
>  >
>  >Large quantities of email sent to large ammounts of email address at one
>  >time.
>  >I posted 2 messages.
>  >
>  >You people take everything too seriously.
>  >I'm sure you've also doen it once in you life before.
>  >
>  >And a message for bvr and caspe kennerdale.
>  >You are obviousely Americans
>  >
>  >
>  >

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