I'd leave the code checker in the global scope.  In testing here I am not
getting a fatal error on a call to a method on a non-existing object.
This code returns nothing:

    $code = '
$a = 1;
    $output = ob_get_contents();
    if($php_errormsg) echo "Error was: $php_errormsg<br>\n";
    else echo "Output was: $output<br>\n";

Does this give you a fatal error?  If so, you may want to look at updating
your PHP.


On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Scott Houseman wrote:

> Hi Rasmus.
> Thanks for the help.
> I've implemented your code in a method in class 'RendererParam' as follows:
> //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------
> // evaluateParameter
> //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------
>     /**
>     Evaluate the parameter's code.
>     */
>     function evaluateParameter ( ) {
>         // Give variable containing error message global scope.
>         global $php_errormsg;
>         echo "Evaluate code...<BR>";
>         // Supress error reporting.
>         error_reporting( 0 );
>         // Set 'track_errors' on.
>         ini_set( 'track_errors', true );
>         // Clean out error variable.
>         $php_errormsg = "";
>         // Start output buffering.
>         echo "eval( $this->sParamName.' = '.$this->sParamValue.';' )<BR>";
>         ob_start( );
>         // Evaluate this parameter.
>         eval( $this->sParamName.' = '.$this->sParamValue.';' );
>         // Get the output buffer contents.
>         $sBufferOutput = ob_get_contents( );
>         // End output buffering.
>         ob_end_clean( );
>         echo '$sBufferOutput = '.$sBufferOutput.'<BR>';
>         if ( trim( $php_errormsg ) != '' ) {
>             echo "Error was: $php_errormsg<br>\n";
>             return false;
>         }
>         else {
>             echo "Output was: $sBufferOutput<br>\n";
>             return true;
>         }
>     }
> //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------
> Example output:
> Evaluate code...
> eval( $AUTHOR.' = '.$oArticle->oAuthor->getName( ).';' )
> This works greate for parse errors, which is all I really want to check for.
> But I have picked up a problem.
> As the parameters (read variables ) & their values entered by the user may
> not be in scope at the time they are entered,
> in the above case I would get a fatal error:
>     Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object
>     in /var/www/vne/vne_classes/entity/RendererParam.inc(350) : eva()'d
>     code on line 1
> This is most obviously because I am trying to call a method of an object
> which does not exist
> If I understand correctly, 'error_reporting( 0 );' will supress error
> messages, but this fatal error will still cause
> the php preprocessor to die.
> Doing a 'global $$this->sParamName, $$this->sParamValue;' will not help
> either, as these given variables/objects
> will not necessarly be available in the scope outside of this method either.
> So...
> Is there any way of telling the parser to ignore this fatal error and carry
> on, or alernatively,
> a way of parsing a string at face value for parse errors ie. 'Look for
> syntax errors, but don't evaluate the code.'?
> Thanks again for the help, it is much appreciated
> Regards
> Scott
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rasmus Lerdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Scott Houseman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "php-general" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Evaluating php code.
> > > Ideally, i'd like to evaluate the code the user has submitted, and if an
> > > error is generated, notify the user of that fact.
> > > Eval always returns false, and I'd like no runtime error to be
> generated.
> > > Perhaps an error-handler is what's needed?
> > >
> > > What can you suggest?
> >
> > I think this should illustrate how to do that:
> >
> > <?
> >     $code = '
> >
> > <?
> > $a = 1;
> > print $a;
> > ?>
> >
> > ';
> >
> >     error_reporting(0);
> >     ini_set('track_errors',true);
> >     $php_errrormsg='';
> >     ob_start();
> >     eval('?>'.$code);
> >     $output = ob_get_contents();
> >     ob_end_clean();
> >     if($php_errormsg) echo "Error was: $php_errormsg<br>\n";
> >     else echo "Output was: $output<br>\n";
> > ?>
> >
> > A couple of tricks:
> >
> > 1. Turning off PHP's error_reporting makes sure no errors are shown by PHP
> > 2. Turning on track_errors puts any errors into the $php_errormsg variable
> > 3. Turning on output buffering lets you catch the output from the code you
> >    are testing
> > 4. Preceding the eval()'ed code with ?> makes sure you start the code off
> >    in normal HTML mode since eval() actually assumes what you feed it
> >    starts in PHP mode which is likely not the case for you.
> >
> > -Rasmus
> >
> >

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