You could assign a randomly generated confirmation code to the link

for example

Then when the user hits that link have membershipconfirm.php check the
database, confirm the user and the confirmid, if it matches remove that
entry from the database and finish setting up the user account.  Now if
another user hits that page the confirmid will be invalid and they will not
get access.

I would make the confirmation page a form that asks the user to enter their
username and confirmation id, then auto-populate the fields with the values
from the URL, that way if the user's email client mangles the url they can
still type it in manually.


-----Original Message-----
From: andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:16 AM
Subject: [PHP] closing a security hole on user accounts possible? -
confirming accounts - history function

Hi there,

is it possible to block hackers from stealing a session with the history
function of the browser?


A user registeres and recives a confirm e-mail. He confirms and does close
all browser windows. He leaves.
Another user comes to this computer opens the browser and the history and
clicks on the confirm link

Boom!! He has the session and is able to do all the stuff the other one can.

How could I close this security hole? Is there a work around?



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