I don't understand what the curly brackets are for in this query.. I don't
ever use them and it seems to work fine without them over here.. But I don't
know if that's where you are having.the trouble..

"]=("UPDATE {$config["prefix"]}_items set quantity =quantity - 1 WHERE id =

I don't thing the quantity - 1 part will work in a query like that will it?


$quantity -= '1';
"]=("UPDATE {$config["prefix"]}_items set quantity =$quantity WHERE id =

At the very simplest, it seems that the $ on =quantity would be necessary

Hope this jogs something..

Bob Weaver

"Jennifer Downey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I know I've asked this before and wouldn't be asking again if I had the
> email that you people replied back with. Windows took a you know what on
> and I had to format the hard drive.
> Anyway here is what I have.
> This is items.php:
> <form action='buyitem.php' method='post'>
> <?
> $query = "SELECT id, image, name, quantity, price FROM
> {$config["prefix"]}_items where id = 1";
> $ret = mysql_query($query);
> $return = mysql_fetch_array($ret);
> echo "<input type='image' src='images/blueholo.gif'><br>";
> echo "<b>$return[name]</b><br>";
> echo "Quantity $return[quantity]<br>";
> echo "Cost: $return[price] SC<br>";
> echo "<input type='hidden' name='ItemID' value='$id'>";
> ?>
> </form>
> What I need to accomplish  is that when the submit button is clicked the
> quantity is subtracted by 1 and then the item is placed in the users item
> list in mysql.
> This is what I have in buyitem.php but I cant seem to get it to work.
> $return["quantity"]=("UPDATE {$config["prefix"]}_items set quantity =
> quantity - 1 WHERE id = '$ItemID'");
> $result=mysql_query($db["quantity"]);
> Would someone be kind enough to help with this?
> Thanks for all your help so far.
> And thanks in advance.
> Jennifer
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