At 08.04.2002  13:12, you wrote:
>I have two servers with Apache PHP - carrying out different tasks.
>However, I have got a task that requires one application to use both
>servers. One of the units holds a bunch of session vars - which I would like
>to transfer to the other unit, when scripts on this second unit are called.
>What is the best way to do this?
>Clearly, I don't want to do this as a list of vars in the URL - some of the
>vars are sensitive.
>I would appreciate any comments.
I hope both machines are linux, unix
the scp-command (secure copy) will be your friend. So you save your vars in 
a file,
scp this file from server1 to server2 and read the file, if it appears and
is the correct one, read it in your script on the server2.
To learn more about scp, see "man scp"
HTH Oliver

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