Where are you getting the target of ACTION= from? Is it just any one of 
the <OPTION>s? I don't understand what you're trying to do (and I don't 
think I'm alone here - you may even be among us).

Can you give a concrete example of what is in the database and how you 
would like the HTML to look?


On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Jas wrote:

> Yeah I have tried $file_name but the problem stems from the while
> ($file_name = readdir($dir) being called after the creation of the form in
> $file_list.  Is there a way to put the ($file_name = readdir($dir) before
> the $file_list function?  I have tried to do it a couple of different ways
> such as making a new variable $files = ($file_name = readdir($dir)) {
>   if (($file_name != ".") && ($file_name !="..")) {
>   $file_list .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$file_name\"
> NAME=\"$file_name\">$file_name</OPTION>";
>   }
>  }
> but that didn't work, I also tried another thing but so far nothing has
> allowed me to create a unique action in the form or a unique name for the
> form.
> <?php
> $dir_name = "/path/to/images/directory/";
> $dir = opendir($dir_name);
> $file_list .= "<p><FORM METHOD=\"post\" ACTION=\"**I need this to be a
> unique file name**\" NAME=\"$file_name\"><SELECT NAME=\"files\">";
>  while ($file_name = readdir($dir)) {
>   if (($file_name != ".") && ($file_name !="..")) {
>   $file_list .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$file_name\"
> NAME=\"$file_name\">$file_name</OPTION>";
>   }
>  }
>  $file_list .= "</SELECT><br><br><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"submit\"
> VALUE=\"select\"></FORM></p>";
>  closedir($dir);
> ?>

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