On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 07:19:44PM +0200, Dave Raven wrote:
:     I need to reboot a FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE
:     computer using php + apache. I have a 
:     small wrapper which runs the reboot 
:     command as root, but it freezes half way
:     through and the box hangs. 
:     I'm thinking that the reboot process is 
:     killing apache, and in effect killing itself.
:     How might I get around this?

How about launching a shell script that reboots the server as its own
process?  For example, make a script at /etc/shutdown containing this:


then in your PHP script do something like:

        exec('/usr/bin/nohup /etc/shutdown 1>/dev/null/ 2>&1 &');

Eugene Lee

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