If you changed the php.ini to set the register_globals to on, did you also
restart apache?  I'm sure you are aware that register globals is now turned
off by default in php 4.1+. Look at phpinfo() and make sure register_globals
is *really* on.  You really ought to be writing code with $_POST[], read
http://www.php.net/manual/en/security.php to see why.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Not Telling You!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  But I cannot use passed variables.  I can however print what
> was passed using...
> printf("%s", $HTTP_POST_VARS["name"]);
> That works fine, I'm just unable to just call $name.  The php code does
> work as it is currently running on a RH 7.1 box with Apache 1.3.20 and
> php 4.0.6.

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