Well as I have seen lot's of people get yelled at if they post in the wrong
list. So rather than letting that happen and risk not getting any help I
thought I would apologize and send it to the right list.

Anyway the file you sent is it in the correct format? I have asked about a
tutorial on proper code formatting and got back a tutorial that was
extremely hard to understand. While lots of people have screamed at me for
my  coding format no one has supplied an understandable answer. That is
until this morning.

>From Paul Burney :

Hi Jennifer,

The first thing you should do is properly indent your code.  If you do so,
you'll be sure to find the missing bracket.  Basically, for each new block,
tab out again.  It really helps to use a programmer's editor with syntax
highlighting like vim or BBEdit.

Thought that was the best tutorial I could ever get. Short and sweet and oh
so easy to understand.
I am using HTML_Kit as it has the same features as all the othere editors
(color coding and such) but it also has a lot more I can get plugins for
anything I would ever need. Except a formatting tutorial ;)

I will use your code as an example of formatting.
It doesn't work as far as the script goes as it returns multiple:
Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource.

So I am going to study your formatting and start at the beginning.

But thank you for your time and help! :)

You have been a great help, look at my new signature.

Thanks again

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