
Sp wrote:
> Hi Manuel, I still don't see a problem in others telling their experiences
> with certain packages.  If someone has just used metabase or has just used
> adodb then I would like to hear how easy/hard it was to port to another
> database.

Sure, but what I meant is that since most people only have experienced
one or the other, you only hear from people that can't compare both.

If you want to hear experiences of people that tried Metabase, try
asking in Metabase mailing list (
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/metabase-dev/ ) or BinaryCloud mailing
lists ( http://binarycloud.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectMailingListList ).
I think Alex Black (BinaryCloud project leader) has tried both MySQL and
Oracle with Metabase.

Manuel Lemos

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