> On Friday, April 19, 2002, at 07:22  AM, .ben wrote:
> > i'm not sure if the same rules apply to PHP but with ASP I make all my
> > includes contain only functions and constants, no free mark-up, and then
> > save them as .inc.asp so if requested directly they return an empty
> > script.
> Until the ASP processor craps out.  Or if you had any scripts in such
> format they would be executed -- which might not be desirable.

ASP what does what?  I've never experienced anything like that... what do
you mean?  Confused.

> Much better to keep includefiles outside of document root or set a
> directive with your web server to deny requests for those files
> somehow.  In Apache it's as easy as
> <Files ~ "\.inc$">
>     Order allow,deny
>     Deny from all
> </Files>
> Not sure about IIS though.

Not sure if you can do that in IIS, but the method i describe works fine.
Keeping includes out of the document root leads to messy webservers ime,
tho, i have worked with a messy bunch of SysAdmins in the past :)


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