I get the following report from Analog.

Daily Report
(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each day.
Each unit () represents 3,000 requests for pages or part thereof.
     date:   reqs:  pages:
---------: -------: -------:
10/Mar/02: 1109810:  159291:
11/Mar/02: 1163018:  185106:

Dates removed

18/Apr/02: 1197460:  190362:
19/Apr/02: 1175128:  181756: <<< Need to grab this number daily
20/Apr/02:     188:     142:

Busiest day: 5/Feb/02 (130,779 requests for pages).


I need to grab the 19/Apr/02 count of 181756. But the date will change
daily. So it would need to always grab last number from second to last line.

Any suggestions?


Craig ><>

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