Aeh, sorry - but is the 1 you test for actual a number or is it a string?
I had made this mistakes earlier, so also try
if ( $quantity == "1")

Maybe I´m absolutely wrong, (PHP 3 knowledge) but....


At 23.04.2002  10:48, you wrote:
>Ok you asked for it.
>Don't say I didn't warn you.
>$query = "SELECT name FROM {$config["prefix"]}_users WHERE
>$ret = mysql_query($query);
>while($row = mysql_fetch_array($ret))
>$user = $row['name'];
>$query = "SELECT uid, id, iname, image, quantity, type FROM
>{$config["prefix"]}_my_items WHERE uid={$session["uid"]} AND id = '$id'
>ORDER BY id";
>$ret = mysql_query($query);
>while($row = mysql_fetch_array($ret))
>   $uiid = $row['uid'];
>  $iid = $row['id'];
>   $image = $row['image'];
>   $iname = $row['iname'];
>   $quantity = $row['quantity'];
>   $type = $row['type'];
>// this is the problem if statement. Please don't yell at me for my style.
>It is easy for me to read so I'm sorry if it's not for you.
>if($quantity < 1)
>echo "Sorry I can't seem to locate this item";
>   if($iid == $id)
>    {
>     $display_block .="<CENTER><img src=$image border=0><br><font size =
>     echo "$display_block<BR><BR>";
>       if($type == "food")
>       //if the item food is present then set an option and include in the
>form later
>       {
>        $thisoption="<OPTION VALUE=\"feed\">Feed my pet\n</OPTION>";
>       }
>          else
>         {
>         //if book or weapon is present then set a blank
>         $thisoption="";
>        }
>       }
>//check if form has been submitted
>//if the form has not been submitted run the following
>    echo "<FORM ACTION='$PHP_SELF' METHOD='post'>";
>    echo "<SELECT NAME='sort' SIZE='1' >";
>    echo "$thisoption";
>    echo "<OPTION VALUE='shop'>Put in my shop</OPTION>";
>    echo "<OPTION VALUE='locker'>Put into my Footlocker</OPTION>";
>    echo "<OPTION VALUE='discard'>Discard this item</OPTION>";
>    echo "<OPTION VALUE='donate'>Donate this item</OPTION>";
>    echo "</SELECT>";
>    echo "<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='Submit' NAME='submit'>";
>    echo "</FORM>";

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