Hi Eric,

First off, my apologies for the bloat replies, and for the re-write of this 
thread -- your last reply accidentally was deleted.

My actual INSERT command (for page 1):

$query = "INSERT INTO sponsor (sid, sfname, ssname, sinit, saddr1,
saddr2, scity, sprov, scountry, scode, sstatus, sdate, susername,
spwd, smail, sipaddress) values (nextval('sponsor_sid_seq'), '$sfname',
'$ssname', '$sinit', '$saddr1', '$saddr2', '$scity', '$sprov',
'$scountry', '$scode', 'Guest', '$sdate', '$susername', '$spwd',
'$smail', '$sipaddress')";

// page 2 is the same except the prefix "s" changes to "r" in each field

I tried with "VALUES ($_GET['sfname'] etc, etc " and got a T_Variable error 
as you said would happen. I've yet to try what you've suggested, but since 
the "Test to ensure your PHP binary is working" shows that it is indeed 
funtioning, I think with the info you've provided, I should be able to pass 
the variables or the array to the next page.

I did a print_r($_GET); for pages 1 and 2, and both showed the array for that 
page only. I sort of thought that the command would show the $_GET array 
"growing" with the values from page 1 and page 2. That seems to be where the 
problem lies. Using $sfname = $_GET['sfname'];  on page 1 and $rfname = 
$_GET['rfname'] on page 2, I would have assumed that the print_r[$_GET] done 
on page 2 would show both sfname AND rfname. But perhaps I am 
mis-understanding the function of print_r[$_GET] -- it's probably 
non-cumulative and specific to the page from which it was called on. If 
that's the case, what precisely is the value of these "superglobals" when ,in 
fact, they are specific to ONE page only???

Btw, your explanations are superb!
"With superglobals, you need to actually break out of the string by using the 
dot to append variable names."  How I wish I knew that before: I don't recall 
running into that statement anywhere in the docs. 

I think I'll get used to dot notation [I used it a lot in Paradox PAL] 
and re-do my scripts properly. I'll get back to you on how it goes.

Thank-you very much, Eric -- your advice and your excellent help is really 
what OpenSource is all about.


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