Well that was embarrassing. I guess [CTRL]+[ENTER] sends mail in Outlook!
Let's try that again:

Okay, I think this is an easy thing but I can't figure it out:

I have a script that will be uploading (up to) 4 files:

Each $file variable has associated $original_name, $filesize, and $filename
variables. Each file:

$original_name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile1']['name'];

that gets uploaded needs to 1) have the filename modified:

$filename1 = ereg_replace("[^a-z0-9._]", "",
             ereg_replace (" ", "_",
             ereg_replace("%20", "_",

2) the extension compared to a list of 'forbidden' extensions,
3) the filename compared to filenames already in existence in the upload
and 4) uploaded.

Can I do this without writing separate filename, extension, existing, and
uploading scripts? Can someone point me in the right direction here?

Jason Soza

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