Hi guys, trying to get my head around possible code for this problem.

My website has various sections which have their own directory like below:

HOME - Main part of the website
CHARTS - Various DJ charts
MUSIC - Review, News and other things

and so on..

At the top of each page I have a link panel which depending on which section
of the site you are in shows the links back down the directory system.

For example:


has this in the panel:

Home / Diary / 2002 / May /   <-- These are links back down the system of


has this:

Home / Charts / Randum Ian / Monday, April 22, 2002

Is it possible to automate this in a template so that it can work out where
it is and create the correct links?

If you need an example of how it is now please visit my website

Regards, Ian.
Randum Ian
DJ / Reviewer / Webmaster, DancePortal (UK) Limited
DancePortal.co.uk - Global dance music media

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