I am a Newbie at PHP

I am sure I am missing something small but...

I am trying to create a form selection box which an alphabetically sort
list of a unix group file.

The group file has the format groupname::groupnumber:

I have tried to create an array using the array=fgetcsv($fp, 30, ":") 
which does read each line of the file.  I have used this line in a while
loop and also a for loop, but everytime I exit the loop, the array now
has no information.

I found if the change the line to be array[]=fgetcsv($fp, 30, ":") then
I can exit the loops but now how do extract only the group names from
the array and be able to sort them.

Ideally what I would like to do is create an array where the keys =
group number and value = groupname. I need to be able to natsort the
values and display in the selection form box.


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