Sure you got your permissions set right?

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 16:29 pm, you wrote:
> When I run this the first time, file.txt contains value of 30. Then I add
> 15 to it with following script and file now contains value of 45. I look at
> file.txt after write and it does indeed contain number 45. But when I run
> script 24 hours later via cron job, it still thinks file.txt is holding
> number 30. Is $file somehow retaining value of 30 and not getting new value
> of 45 when script runs second time? What is it called when this happens?
> <?php
> $file = file('/usr/home/xyz/file.txt'); //file.txt contains value of 30
> $number = "15";
> $newnumber = $file + $number; //$newnumber now is 45
> $fp = fopen('/usr/home/xyz/file.txt','w');
> fputs($fp,"$newnumber"); // write value 45 to file.txt
> fclose($fp);
> ?>
> Thanks
> Craig ><>

God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.


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