> The big disappointment was QaDRAM Studio, which was so
> buggy and unstable, it only took me until I tried to
> create a project (the first thing I did upon loading
> the software) before it crashed my entire system and
> forced me to reboot. Trying to uninstall it is
> impossible, as well, since when I try to repair,
> remove, or modify it, it proceeds to tell me that it
> can't do any of these on software that isn't
> installed. Go figure, since I installed it about five
> minutes prior. I stayed away from this after about
> thirty seconds. I can only promise these results in
> Win98; any other system, install at your own risk.
It is an unfinished product, I pointed out to let you know its existence,
it's not ready for production at all. Respect the problems you had it really
suprise me, no one of the near 15000 downloads I have had since the
beginning of the product has told me anything similar, so I would like very
much you reproduce the problem and send it to me via e-mail or submit it at
http://bugs.qadram.com to be able to fix it, I would be eternally grateful.

Best Regards.
QaDRAM Studio, RAD Development for the WEB

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