Thank you Miguel!  I was missing the /86400 and it works much better now 

On Thu, 9 May 2002, Miguel Cruz wrote:

> On Wed, 8 May 2002, Scott St. John wrote:
> > Sorry to be so thick this morning, but I have a unix time stamp in my MS 
> > Sql server that is the date, plus 60 days to expire a password.  I want to 
> > take today's date and compare to the two to see:
> > 1)How many days until the password expires
> > 2)If the password already expired then force a password change. 
> > 
> > I am missing something I am sure because I am not getting the answer I am 
> > looking for with this code:
> > 
> > $expirePass = strtotime("now");  <-todays date
> > $myPassword = ("1026047985");    <-from the MS Sql field
> > 
> > $itexpires = ($expirePass - $myPassword);
> $daysleft = intval(($mypassword - now()) / 86400));
> miguel


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