> Now I want to resolve the hostname from ip adresses:
> foreach ($aLines as $entry)
> { if ($entry->host == "")
>        $entry->host = "Teststring";
>   print $entry->host."\n"; // prints "Teststring"
> }
> // Testoutput
> foreach ($aLines as $entry)
> { print $entry->host."\n"; // prints empty string!
> }
> Why is host in the second loop empty again?

Foreach returns a COPY of the contents... if you want to modify the
contents use the key... eg:
foreach ($aLines as $key=>$entry) {
  if ($aLines[$key]->host == "") $aLines[$key]->host = "Teststring";
  print $aLines[$key]->host."\n"; // prints "Teststring"

That way your altering the master array and not the copy

Dan Hardiker [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
ADAM Software & Systems Engineer

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