At 14:16 10/05/2002, Ford, Mike               [LSS] wrote:
>No, but this:
>     if (isset($password)):  // register_globals on
>         $super_user = $password==$super_password;
>     endif;
>     if ($super_user):
>         // sensitive admin stuff
>     endif;
>is more secure than:
>     if (isset($_GET['password'])):  // register_globals off
>         $super_user = $_GET['password']==$super_password;
>     endif;
>     if ($super_user):
>         // sensitive admin stuff
>     endif;

You meant it the other way around, didn't you? :)

>Also, by using the $_POST, $_GET arrays, you know exactly where the input 
>is coming from (even if register_globals is also on!).  If you have 
>register_globals set to on, and you just look to see if (say) $password 
>has a value, which you're expecting to come from a form field, you can't 
>actually tell whether it's been overridden by some smarty-pants typing in 
>the URL with ?password=super_password on the end.  If you check 
>specifically for $_POST['password'], you at least have the assurance that 
>it's come from a form field as you were expecting.

There's a bit of a misperception about the security that 
register_globals=off buys you.  Basically, anything coming from the user 
cannot be trusted, and that includes post variables in $_POST[] (I could 
write my own form and send whatever variables I want to your form 
handler).  So, generally, anything in $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE (or 
$_REQUEST, in general) cannot be trusted, and should be treated as 
'possibly hostile'.  The new $_ENV variable, however, can be trusted, as it 
cannot be poisoned by the remote user, and also, most of the information in 
$_SERVER can be trusted, because it's coming from the web server.

What does register_globals buy you?  Two simple things:
(a) A clean global scope, which cannot be poisoned by the remote user, as 
your example illustrated (only backwards).
(b) Reliable $_ENV and $_SERVER arrays, and the knowledge that they cannot 
be poisoned by get/post/cookie data coming from the user.


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