Why would you want a scripting language to sleep, there is no such thing as
a loop in a web page (yes, I know it would be possible, but it would lock up
a users machine).

I know you can set up the apache daemon to run on-demand to conserver
resources, but I think you are getting mixed up between compiled and
interpreted (aka scripting) languages.

"Life must be lived as play."
- Plato (427 - 347 BC)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 2:25 AM
Subject: [PHP] Newbie question to everybody....PHP

> Greetings people,
> Special greetings to all of you who have helped me in the past.
> As most of you know i am a newbie, I learned a bit of PHP via webmonkey
> a few other places, seeing the power of PHP i decided to convert from Java
> servlets and JSP (JSP coz its expensive to host and not many hosting
> opportunities) so I baught a book called "The PHP black book".
> Anyway, now that the background is done heres my questions:
> 1)How many of you have seriously dug into arrays and has it been important
> in your programming?
> 1.1)Do you think you could have done the same thing you did with arrays
> WITHOUT arrays?
> (The reason i ask this is theres a whole chapter dedicated to arrays in
> book & its pretty frustrating)
> Last question:
> Is ther any function to make the program "sleep" for 10 seconds or so? or
> does anybody have a function that does this?
> ANY replies.... good,bad,flames will be welcome.
> Cheers,
> -Ryan.
> /* You cannot get to the top by sitting on your bottom. */
> --
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