A good start is: http://www.neilgunton.com/spambot_trap/

Though it has some specific details for mod_perl, much of the information 
can be tied to php.

On Mon, 13 May 2002, David McInnis wrote:

> I have been running a newswire service since 97 and recently noticed an
> increase in the number of people flipping our site to harvest email
> addresses contained in the news releases posted on our site. (prweb.com)
> I am running apache and php on a linux box.  Can anyone suggest
> something that I can implement that would block users who are harvesting
> data from our site?  I do not mind legit users from using this data, but
> the flippers are chewing up my bandwidth and db resources.  
> I also want to be careful to not block valid search engine spiders from
> indexing our site.
> David McInnis


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 Jason Morehouse
 Netconcepts LTD
 Auckland, New Zealand

 - Linux: free your mind and your OS will follow

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