At 15.05.2002  12:33, you wrote:

>I am using this script: to upload a picture file and I get the error below:
>"Unable to create 'hgh6.gif': Permission denied in
>/home/vhtdocs/archipro/do_upload.php on line 13
>Couldn't copy the file!"  - What am I doing wrong
><form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="do_upload.php">
><p><strong>File to Upload:</strong><br>
><input type="file" name="img1" size="30"></p>
><P><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload File"></p>
>upload file:
>// if $img_name isn't empty, try to copy the file

You files name is in the var $img1, your refering to $img1_name !!

>if ($img1_name != "") {
>        copy("$img1", "/images/$img1_name")

you should use absolute pathes

>   or die("Couldn't copy the file!");
>} else {
>  // if $img_name was empty, die and let us know why
>  die("No input file specified");
>Warning: Unable to create 'hgh6.gif': Permission denied in
>/home/vhtdocs/archipro/do_upload.php on line 13
>Couldn't copy the file!
HTH Oliver

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